Changes/improvements made from MCU SW 5.0609.2.0.1 und 5.0616.2.0.3
Nokia Mobile Phones Service Bulletin No.
* Device no longer reboots after entering PIN code with a small number of USIM cards
* It is now possible to send an MMS with video or audio content
* The input method indicator 'Pinyin' and 'Bihui' shows correctly
Music player
* Rolf PR2 Localisation problem in Music Player ("A Processar" issue) fixed
* Rolf Music Player ?save? query localisation fixed
* Music player crash with incorrect ID3 tag date information fixed
For Telefonica
* When receiving a call during a music download, the music no longer plays incorrectly
For Orange
* Possibility to enable OHS for Orange variant fixed
For O2
* SAT refresh - voice call coordination in place
* Old HomeZone information displayed correctly
* HomeZone text appears after Active Idle is turned on
* HomeZone & CityZone texts are now animated correctly
* HomeZone icon disappears at appropriate times
* SAT refresh comes through during voice call correctly
* "App. closed Standby mode" issue is fixed
* O2 music application download functionality fixed
For T-Mobile
* SATUI Active Idle plug-in is shown in Active Idle correctly
* Enabling messaging active idle plug-in after using NBC with active idle behaves successfully
* Active idle displays correctly formatted Ai controls when the user has a large amount of PIM data.
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